Best import from China with MMCIS since 2006
We make it easier for you to manufacture
and import products from China

Information about MMCIS
What can we do for you?
Import products from China with professional help from MMCIS. Do it with confidence. We are experts.
When it comes to sourcing products and planning your purchasing from China on any site, even if you are strategic, there are so many things that can go wrong and You need to be an Expert on the field..
Good communication, presence and short decision-making are important for success in China. With office in Yiwu China we can ensure that all your specifications and requirements are met according to your product needs.
Kitchen items, Office supply or Gift bags?
We can offer over 50 000 products from over 300 categories. The best part is that you don't have to choose. We can help you to decide what products to import based on country, season and more. It is your choise and your best opportunity.
Do you know what to import?
Do you need more help?
New Product Design

To think about before order your product
Negotiate strategically. It is very important to get to know your provider before collaboration starts. Thefore we provide rigorous factory controls before the manufacturing of products and quality controls on site before chipping.
Factory Inspection
Quality controls
We can import anything that you need. You are welcome to visit us in Yiwu , when possible!

Purchase Assistance

Product sourcing
